Saturday, April 27, 2013

Terra Nova: Simple simple game.. But it can be fun.

Game by Gaetano Evola and Rosanna Leocata 
Published by Immortal Eyes
Price: $15 - $30
Number of Players: 2 - 4
Time: 30 - 45 minutes.

Terra Nova. So simple it hurts, but still good enough to play again when you have thinking opponents. The box is sturdy, and has some pretty decent artwork. My biggest question is how in the all-fired hell did it take TWO people to design this game? Inside:

Dang, that's a pretty board. But that's all that's inside.. A board and a bag of wooden people. The game is so  simple to play. You take turns risk-style placing your people on the board. Then, on your turn, you move a guy, make him place a stone (brown wooden token), and move again (or move someone else, or just move one guy and place two stones). When 3 or less different types of land (lake, forest, mountains, plains, etc...) are fully enclosed, they are a property, and whoever has the most guys inside the enclosure gets the points. That's it. No luck at all, so that is a plus, but no real variety either. It's like checkers without the jumping. So again, it took TWO to come up with this? What, did one of them say "Well, lets put guys on a board." Then the other person said "WAIT! Let's make the guys put a rock down too!" "YEAH! GREAT IDEA!!".....That board sure is pretty though:

And the wooden pieces are nice:

But other than that, not much to it.

FUN: 3. It can be fun, but it's not a favorite.

THEME: 1: There's a theme?

QUALITY: 4. It's a solid quality game. Wooden pieces, sturdy board.

ART: 4. That is such a good looking board.

INTERACTIVITY: 4. You're pretty much screwing each other throughout the game.

COMPLEXITY: 1. This is simplicity at its finest.

LUCK: 1. There is none.

Honestly, I do recommend Terra Nova. It is not a staple by any means, but it's easy to learn like Carcassonne. I use it primarily to introduce beginners to games that involve more than throwing a pair of dice and sliding a metal dog across the board. Still though, two people? Two??? I mean, Settlers of Catan only took one.

Oh right. Get it here or here.

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